Since October 2014, every charity in Ireland is required by law to register with the CRA and to have a charity registration number which identifies an organisation as a charity in the eyes of the law and the public

Your CRA is legally required to appear on all printed/fundraising materials, website, email signatures etc. (We ensure your website includes these elements in the templates for all pages.)

To find out more visit:





Download CRA Charities List (XLS) Search




A Registered Charity Number is a number assigned to Charities by the Charities Regulator during the registration process. It is NOT the same as a CHY number. The CHY number is the number allocated by the Revenue Commissioners to charities to whom they have granted tax exemption.

Registration with the Charities Regulator and having a Registered Charity Number is separate to having tax exemption and a CHY number from the Revenue Commissioners.

See Revenue Commissioners Charity FAQ Pages

Image result for revenue logo





Did you know?

Did you know that as part of of your organisation’s adoption of the Governance Code, under Section 3.1 (f) once you comply, you should state publicly that you comply with the code and display on your website a copy of your completed Principles of Good Governance 


About Us specialise in providing online technology solutions (including website design and development, online donations software, survey software, charity email marketing) and support to the CVC (Community, Voluntary and Charity) sector in Ireland and Charities and NFPs (Not for Profit Organisations) the UK.

Our team have over 20 years direct experience, working in and providing solutions to, Charities CVC's/NFPs in Ireland and the UK. Organisations we have worked with include EPIC, Barnardos, Cheshire Ireland, Healthwatch Gloucestershire (formerly GUIDE and FACS Families and Children's Information Service), CitizenCard UK, Ballyhoura Development CLG etc.

We are members of The Wheel (Membership No. GO1306) 

CharitySites are committed to helping Charities and the community and voluntary sector comply with the Governance Code by implementing solutions to:

  1. be more cost effective and efficient in their use of online and mobile technologies
  2. comply with regulation, governance and best practice 
  3. know and show their outcomes and impacts
  4. deal with complaints
  5. deliver their service more effectively
  6. reduce risks
  7. deliver better value for money
  8. collaborate effectively in the sector
  9. build sustainable income and funding streams.

Whether you are a Category A, B, or C  CVC organisation, talk to us today about how we can help your organisation ensure you are in compliance with the online aspects (and more!) of the Governance Code.

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